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The NodeOperatorsRegistry contract acts as a registry of Node Operators selected by the Lido DAO. Since Lido V2 upgrade NodeOperatorsRegistry contract became a module of StakingRouter and got the second name Curated staking module as part of the general Lido staking infrastructure. As a staking module, NodeOperatorsRegistry implements StakingModule interface.

NodeOperatorsRegistry keeps track of various Node Operators data, in particular limits of the allowed stake, reward addresses, penalty information, public keys of the Node Operators' validators. It defines order in which the Node Operators get the ether deposited and reward distribution between the node operators.

A curated node operator is obliged by the Lido DAO to exit its validators timely if requested by the Lido protocol. The exit request is formed on-chain by means of ValidatorsExitBusOracle contract. If a NO doesn't fulfil the request timely, it might get penalized. The penalized status is assigned automatically by the Lido protocol. The penalized NO do not get new ether for new deposits and also receives half of its rewards till the penalty is cleared. The other half of the NO rewards gets distributed between all stETH holders (technically, it gets burned). To get the penalty cleared, the NO must exit the stuck validators or refund the corresponding ether amount and wait getStuckPenaltyDelay() seconds after that.

The Lido DAO can also:

  • set target limit count as the number of validators for the NO. If the current active number of validators is below the value, the excess ones will be requested to exit in a prioritized manner when required to finalize withdrawal requests. Allocation of deposits above the target value is prohibited.
  • deactivate misbehaving operators by deactivateNodeOperator(). A deactivated node operator do not get rewards and new deposits.



In the context of these terms "signing key", "key", "validator key", "validator" might be used interchangeably.

signing key. BLS12-381 public key that will be used by the protocol for making Beacon deposits to run a validator

vetted (signing key). Approved by the Lido DAO for receiving ether for deposit.

submitted (signing key). Added to the node operators registry.

depositable (signing key). Suitable for new deposits.

deposited (signing key). Ever received deposit.

unused (signing key). Submitted but not deposited yet.

exited (signing key). A validator that got into "Exited" state: either by voluntary exit or as a result of slashing. This doc might be useful regarding the validators lifecycle.

used (active) (signing key). Deposited but not yet exited.

stuck (validator). Not exited in proper time after an exit request from ValidatorsExitBusOracle by Lido protocol.

refunded (stuck validator). Compensated by the NO for being stuck. For more information on handling of NO misbehavior see Lido on Ethereum Block Proposer Rewards Policy v1.0.

Node operator parameters

For each NO the contract keeps a record of at least these values:

  • active: bool active/inactive status of the NO. An active NO gets rewards and new deposits according to its staking limit. New node operators are added in active state.
  • name: string human-readable name of the NO
  • rewardAddress: address where to send stETH rewards (part of the protocol fee)
  • totalVettedValidators: uint64 Max number of validator keys approved for deposit by the DAO so far
  • totalExitedValidators: uint64 incremental counter of all exited validators for the NO so far
  • totalAddedValidators: uint64 incremental counter of all added to the NO validators so far
  • totalDepositedValidators: uint64 incremental counter of all deposited validators for the NO so far
  • targetValidatorsCount: uint256 target value for the number of validators for the NO. If the current active number of validators is below the value, the excess ones will be requested to exit. Allocation of deposits above the target value is prohibited. The exiting works only if isTargetLimitActive is true. The 0 value will cause exit requests issued for all deposited validators of the NO.
  • isTargetLimitActive: bool flag whether NO validators number is target-limited (see targetValidatorsCount)
  • stuckValidatorsCount: uint256 number of stuck keys delivered by the oracle report
  • refundedValidatorsCount: uint256 number of refunded validators
  • depositableValidatorsCount: uint256 number of depositable validators

The values can be viewed by means of getNodeOperator() and getNodeOperatorSummary().

Except for the function listed below, the contract has methods accessible only by StakingRouter (holder of STAKING_ROUTER_ROLE). These functions are called internally in the course of AccountingOracle report.

View Methods


Returns the rewards distribution proportional to the effective stake for each node operator

function getRewardsDistribution(uint256 _totalRewardShares) returns (
address[] recipients,
uint256[] shares,
bool[] penalized
_totalRewardSharesuint256Total amount of reward shares to distribute


Returns the number of active node operators.

function getActiveNodeOperatorsCount() returns (uint256)


Returns the node operator by id.

function getNodeOperator(uint256 _nodeOperatorId, bool _fullInfo) returns (
bool active,
string name,
address rewardAddress,
uint64 totalVettedValidators,
uint64 totalExitedValidators,
uint64 totalAddedValidators,
uint64 totalDepositedValidators
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id
_fullInfoboolIf true, name will be returned as well


Returns the total number of signing keys of the node operator.

function getTotalSigningKeyCount(uint256 _nodeOperatorId) returns (uint256)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id


Returns the number of usable signing keys of the node operator.

function getUnusedSigningKeyCount(uint256 _nodeOperatorId) returns (uint256)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id


Returns n-th signing key of the node operator.

function getSigningKey(uint256 _nodeOperatorId, uint256 _index) returns (
bytes key,
bytes depositSignature,
bool used
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id
_indexuint256Index of the key, starting with 0


depositSignaturebytesSignature needed for a depositContract.deposit call
usedboolFlag indication if the key was used in the staking


Returns subset of the signing keys of the node operator corresponding to the specified range [_offset, _offset + _limit). If the range is out of bound of range [0, <total keys number>) reverts with OUT_OF_RANGE error.

function getSigningKeys(uint256 _nodeOperatorId, uint256 _offset, uint256 _limit) returns (
bytes memory pubkeys,
bytes memory signatures,
bool[] memory used
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id
_offsetuint256Offset of the key in the array of all NO keys (0 means the first key, 1 the second, etc
_limituint256Number of keys to return


pubkeysbytesKeys concatenated into the bytes batch: [ 48 bytes key | 48 bytes key | ... ]
signaturesbytesSignatures needed for a deposit_contract.deposit call, concatenated as [ 96 bytes | 96 bytes | ... ]
usedbool[]Array of flags indicated if the key was used in the staking


Returns the total number of node operators.

function getNodeOperatorsCount() returns (uint256)


Returns a counter that increments whenever the deposit data set changes. Namely, it increments every time when for a node operator:

  • staking limit changed;
  • target validators limit changed;
  • stuck validators count changed;
  • exited validators count changed;
  • validator signing keys added/removed;
  • penalty is cleared;
  • ready to deposit keys invalidated (due to withdrawal credentials change or due to manual invalidation by call of invalidateReadyToDepositKeysRange);
  • ether deposited.
function getNonce() view returns (uint256)


Returns the type of the staking module.

function getType() view returns (bytes32)


Returns some statistics of the staking module.

function getStakingModuleSummary() view returns (
uint256 totalExitedValidators,
uint256 totalDepositedValidators,
uint256 depositableValidatorsCount
totalExitedValidatorsuint256Total number of exited validators
totalDepositedValidatorsuint256Total number of deposited validators
depositableValidatorsCountuint256Number of validators which can be deposited


Returns if the node operator with given id is active.

function getNodeOperatorIsActive(uint256 _nodeOperatorId) view returns (bool)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id


Returns up to _limit node operator ids starting from the _offset.

function getNodeOperatorIds(uint256 _offset, uint256 _limit) view
returns (uint256[] memory nodeOperatorIds)
_offsetuint256Offset of the first element of the range
_limituint256Max number of NO ids to return


Returns some statistics of the node operator.

function getNodeOperatorSummary(uint256 _nodeOperatorId) view returns (
bool isTargetLimitActive,
uint256 targetValidatorsCount,
uint256 stuckValidatorsCount,
uint256 refundedValidatorsCount,
uint256 stuckPenaltyEndTimestamp,
uint256 totalExitedValidators,
uint256 totalDepositedValidators,
uint256 depositableValidatorsCount
isTargetLimitActiveboolIs limiting target active validators count for NO enabled
targetValidatorsCountuint256Target validators count for full description see parameters section
stuckValidatorsCountuint256Number of stuck keys from oracle report
refundedValidatorsCountuint256Number of refunded keys
stuckPenaltyEndTimestampuint256Extra penalty time after stuck keys refunded
totalExitedValidatorsuint256Number of keys in the EXITED state of the NO for all time
totalDepositedValidatorsuint256Number of keys of the NO which were in DEPOSITED state for all time
depositableValidatorsCountuint256Number of validators which can be deposited


Returns value of the stuck penalty delay (in seconds). This parameter defines how long a penalized NO stays in penalty state after the stuck keys were refunded.

function getStuckPenaltyDelay() view returns (uint256)


Returns flag whether the NO is penalized.

function isOperatorPenalized(uint256 _nodeOperatorId) view returns (bool)


Returns flag whether the NO penalty is cleared.

function isOperatorPenalized(uint256 _nodeOperatorId) view returns (bool)


Returns the address of LidoLocator.

function getLocator() view returns (ILidoLocator)



Add node operator named _name with reward address _rewardAddress and staking limit = 0.

Executed on behalf of holder of MANAGE_NODE_OPERATOR_ROLE role.

function addNodeOperator(
string _name,
address _rewardAddress
) returns (uint256 id)
_namestringHuman-readable name
_rewardAddressaddressAddress which receives stETH rewards for this operator


iduint256A unique key of the added operator


Activates deactivated node operator with given id.

Executed on behalf of holder of MANAGE_NODE_OPERATOR_ROLE role.


Increases the validators keys nonce

function activateNodeOperator(uint256 _nodeOperatorId)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id


Deactivates active node operator with given id.

Executed on behalf of holder of MANAGE_NODE_OPERATOR_ROLE role


Increases the validators keys nonce

function deactivateNodeOperator(uint256 _nodeOperatorId)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id


Change human-readable name of the node operator with given id.

Executed on behalf of holder of MANAGE_NODE_OPERATOR_ROLE role.

function setNodeOperatorName(uint256 _nodeOperatorId, string _name)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id
_namestringHuman-readable name


Change reward address of the node operator with given id.

Executed on behalf of holder of MANAGE_NODE_OPERATOR_ROLE role.

function setNodeOperatorRewardAddress(uint256 _nodeOperatorId, address _rewardAddress)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id
_rewardAddressaddressNew reward address


Set the maximum number of validators to stake for the node operator with given id.

Executed on behalf of holder of SET_NODE_OPERATOR_LIMIT_ROLE role.


Current implementation preserves invariant: depositedSigningKeysCount <= vettedSigningKeysCount <= totalSigningKeysCount. If _vettedSigningKeysCount out of range [depositedSigningKeysCount, totalSigningKeysCount], the new vettedSigningKeysCount value will be set to the nearest range border.


Increases the validators keys nonce

function setNodeOperatorStakingLimit(uint256 _nodeOperatorId, uint64 _vettedSigningKeysCount)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id to set staking limit for
_vettedSigningKeysCountaddressNew staking limit of the node operator


Add _keysCount validator signing keys to the keys of the node operator _nodeOperatorId.

Can be executed for the given NO if called from the NO's reward address or by the holder of MANAGE_SIGNING_KEYS role.


Along with each key pubkey a signatures must be provided for the (pubkey, withdrawal_credentials, 32000000000) message. For the details see the keys section in NO guide.

Given that information, the contract'll be able to call deposit_contract.deposit on-chain.


Increases the validators keys nonce

function addSigningKeys(
uint256 _nodeOperatorId,
uint256 _keysCount,
bytes _publicKeys,
bytes _signatures
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id
_keysCountuint256Number of signing keys provided
_publicKeysbytesSeveral concatenated validator signing public keys
_signaturesbytesSeveral concatenated signatures for the DepositContract messages see the keys section in NO guide


Removes an _keysCount of validator signing keys starting from _fromIndex of operator _nodeOperatorId usable keys.

Can be executed for the given NO if called from the NO's reward address or by the holder of MANAGE_SIGNING_KEYS role.

Keys removing from the last index to the highest one, so we won't get outside the array.


Increases the validators keys nonce

function removeSigningKeys(uint256 _nodeOperatorId, uint256 _fromIndex, uint256 _keysCount)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Node operator id
_fromIndexuint256Index of the key, starting with 0
_keysCountuint256Number of keys to remove


Invalidates all unused validators keys for node operators in the given range. Executed on behalf of holder of MANAGE_NODE_OPERATOR_ROLE role.

function invalidateReadyToDepositKeysRange(uint256 _indexFrom, uint256 _indexTo)
_indexFromuint256the first index (inclusive) of the NO to invalidate keys for
_indexTouint256The last index (inclusive) of the NO to invalidate keys for


Clears penalty state for the NO if it is suitable for clearing. The penalty state is switched automatically upon oracle report if the conditions are met (e.g., if penalty delay expired), but this function allows it to happen quicker. Can be called by anyone.

function clearNodeOperatorPenalty(uint256 _nodeOperatorId) external returns (bool)
_nodeOperatorIduint256Id of the NO


Sets the stuck penalty delay parameter.

Add node operator named _name with reward address _rewardAddress and staking limit = 0. Executed on behalf of holder of MANAGE_NODE_OPERATOR_ROLE role.

function setStuckPenaltyDelay(uint256 _delay)
_delayuint256Stuck penalty delay in seconds