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A FIFO queue for stETH withdrawal requests and an unstETH NFT implementation representing the position in the queue.

Access to lever methods is restricted using the functionality of the AccessControlEnumerable contract and a bunch of granular roles.

What is WithdrawalQueueERC721?

This contract is a main entry point to exchange stETH for underlying ether directly via Lido protocol. It is responsible for:

  • managing a queue of withdrawal requests
  • committing withdrawal request finalization as a part of the AccountingOracle report
  • storing stETH before and ether after the finalization
  • transfer reserved ether to the user upon the claim

Also, the contract is ERC-721 unstETH NFT with metadata extension representing the right to claim underlying ether once the request is finalized. This NFT is minted upon request and burned on the claim. ERC-4906 is used to update the metadata as soon as the finalization status of the request is changed.


To request a withdrawal, one needs to approve the amount of stETH or wstETH to this contract or sign the ERC-2612 Permit, and then call the appropriate requestWithdrawals* method.

The minimal amount for a request is 100 wei, and the maximum is 1000 eth. More significant amounts should be split into several requests, which allows us to avoid clogging the queue with an extra large request.

During this call, the request is placed in the queue, and the related unstETH NFT is minted. The following structure represents the request:

struct WithdrawalRequestStatus {
uint256 amountOfStETH;
uint256 amountOfShares;
address owner;
uint256 timestamp;
bool isFinalized;
bool isClaimed;


  • amountOfStETH — the number of stETH tokens transferred to the contract upon request
  • amountOfShares — the number of underlying shares corresponding to transferred stETH tokens. See Lido rebasing chapter to learn about the shares mechanic
  • owner — the owner's address for this request. The owner is also a holder of the unstETH NFT and can transfer the ownership and claim the underlying ether once finalized
  • timestamp — the creation time of the request
  • isFinalized — finalization status of the request; finalized requests are available to claim
  • isClaimed — the claim status of the request. Once claimed, NFT is burned, and the request is not available to claim again

The amount of ether that will be withdrawn is limited to the number of stETH tokens transferred to this contract at the moment of request. So, the user will not receive the rewards for the period of time while their tokens stay in the queue.


After filing a withdrawal request, one can only claim it once finalization occurs. Accounting Oracle report finalizes a batch of withdrawal requests, choosing the _maxShareRate and the size of the batch taking in account following factors:

  • If there is enough ether to fulfill the request. Ether can be obtained from the Lido buffer, which is filled from the new users' stake, Beacon chain partial and full withdrawals, protocol tips, and MEV rewards. Withdrawals are prioritized over deposits, so ether can't be deposited to the Beacon chain if some withdrawal requests can be fulfilled.
  • if enough time has passed since the withdrawal request was placed in the queue (timelock)
  • If there was some massive loss for the protocol on the Beacon Chain side since the withdrawal request was filed. It can lead to finalization by the rate lower than 1:1 if the loss will be high enough to be not covered with daily rewards (never happened before)

To put it simply, token holders don't receive rewards but still take risks during withdrawal. Rewards, acquired since the stETH was locked in the WithdrawalQueue, are burned upon the finalization, effectively distributing them among the other token holders.

So, the finalization sets the final value of the request, locks ether on the balance of this contract, and burns the underlying stETH and the queue may look like this in arbitrary moment:


When the request is finalized, it can be claimed by the current owner, transferring the reserved amount of ether to the recipient's address and burning the withdrawal NFT.

To see if the request is claimable, one can get its status using getWithdrawalStatus() or subscribe to the event WithdrawalsFinalized(uint256 from, uint256 to, ...), which is emitted once the batch of requests with ids in the range (from, to] is finalized.


Contract implements the following Ethereum standards:


Returns the token collection name.

function name() view returns (string memory)


Returns the token collection symbol.

function symbol() view returns (string memory)


Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the _requestId token. Returns an empty string if no base URI and no NFTDescriptor address are set.

function tokenURI(uint256 _requestId) view returns (string memory)


Returns the number of tokens in the _owner's account.

function balanceOf(address _owner) view returns (uint256 balance)

Reverts if _owner is zero address


Returns the owner of the _requestId token.

function ownerOf(uint256 _requestId) view returns (address owner)


  • _requestId request must exist.
  • _requestId request must not be claimed.


Gives permission to _to to transfer the _requestId token to another account. The approval is cleared when the token is transferred.

Emits an Approval event.

function approve(address _to, uint256 _requestId)


  • The caller must own the token or be an approved operator.
  • _requestId must exist.
  • _to must not be the owner


Returns the account approved for the _requestId token.

function getApproved(uint256 _requestId) view returns (address)

Reverts if no _requestId exists


Approve or remove _operator as an operator for the caller. Operators can call transferFrom or safeTransferFrom for any token owned by the caller.

Emits an ApprovalForAll event.

function setApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved)

Reverts if msg.sender is equal to _operator


Returns true if the _operator is allowed to manage all of the assets of the _owner.

function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) view returns (bool)


Safely transfers the _requestId token from _from to _to, checking first that contract recipients are aware of the ERC721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked. If a version with _data parameter is used, it passed to IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received() of the target smart contract as an argument.

Emits a Transfer event.

function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _requestId)
function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _requestId, bytes memory _data)


  • _from cannot be the zero address.
  • _to cannot be the zero address.
  • _requestId token must exist and be owned by _from.
  • If the caller is not _from, it must have been allowed to move this token by either approve() or setApprovalForAll().
  • If _to refers to a smart contract, it must implement IERC721Receiver interface


Transfers the _requestId token from _from to _to.

Emits a Transfer event.

WARNING: Usage of this method is discouraged, use safeTransferFrom() whenever possible.

function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _requestId)


  • _from cannot be the zero address.
  • _to cannot be the zero address.
  • _requestId token must be owned by _from.
  • If the caller is not _from, it must be approved to move this token by either approve() or setApprovalForAll().


Returns the base URI for computing token URI. If set, the resulting URI for each token will be the concatenation of the base URI and the _requestId.

function getBaseURI() view returns (string memory)


Returns the address of the NFTDescriptor contract responsible for the token URI generation.

function getNFTDescriptorAddress() view returns (address)


Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by interfaceId. See the ERC-165 to learn more about how these ids are created.

function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) view returns (bool)

This contract returns true for IERC721, IERC721Metadata, IERC4906, IAccessControlEnumerable, IAccessControl and IERC165 itself.


Batch request the _amounts of stETH for withdrawal to the _owner address. For each request, the respective amount of stETH is transferred to this contract address, and an unstETH NFT is minted to the _owner address.

function requestWithdrawals(uint256[] _amounts, address _owner) returns (uint256[] requestIds)

Returns the array of ids for each created request. Emits WithdrawalRequested and Transfer events.



  • withdrawals must not be paused
  • stETH balance of msg.sender must be greater than the sum of all _amounts
  • there must be approval from the msg.sender to this contract address for the overall amount of stETH token transfer
  • each amount in _amounts must be greater than MIN_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT and lower than MAX_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT


Batch request the _amounts of wstETH for withdrawal to the _owner address. For each request, the respective amount of wstETH is transferred to this contract address, unwrapped to stETH, and an unstETH NFT is minted to the _owner address.

function requestWithdrawalsWstETH(uint256[] _amounts, address _owner) returns (uint256[] requestIds)

Returns the array of ids for each created request. Emits WithdrawalRequested and Transfer events.



  • withdrawals must not be paused
  • wstETH balance of msg.sender must be greater than the sum of all _amounts
  • there must be approval from the msg.sender to this contract address for the overall amount of wstETH token transfer
  • each amount in _amounts must have getPooledEthByShares(amount) being greater than MIN_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT and lower than MAX_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT


Batch request the _amounts of stETH for withdrawal to the _owner address. For each request, the respective amount of stETH is transferred to this contract address, and an unstETH NFT is minted to the _owner address. ERC-2612 permit is used to approve the token transfer.

function requestWithdrawalsWithPermit(
uint256[] _amounts,
address _owner,
PermitInput _permit
) returns (uint256[] requestIds)

where _permit is ERC-2612 signed permit structure defined as:

struct PermitInput {
uint256 value;
uint256 deadline;
uint8 v;
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;

Returns the array of ids for each created request. Emits WithdrawalRequested and Transfer events.



  • withdrawals must not be paused
  • stETH balance of msg.sender must be greater than the sum of all _amounts
  • permit must have a valid signature, value greater than the sum of all _amounts, and the deadline not expired
  • each amount in _amounts must be greater than MIN_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT and lower than MAX_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT


Batch request the _amounts of wstETH for withdrawal to the _owner address. For each request, the respective amount of wstETH is transferred to this contract address, unwrapped to stETH, and an unstETH NFT is minted to the _owner address.ERC-2612 permit is used to approve the token transfer.

function requestWithdrawalsWstETHWithPermit(
uint256[] _amounts,
address _owner,
PermitInput _permit
) returns (uint256[] requestIds)

where _permit is ERC-2612 signed permit structure defined as:

struct PermitInput {
uint256 value;
uint256 deadline;
uint8 v;
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;

Returns the array of ids for each created request. Emits WithdrawalRequested and Transfer events.



  • withdrawals must not be paused
  • wstETH balance of msg.sender must be greater than the sum of all _amounts
  • permit must have a valid signature, value greater than the sum of all _amounts, and the deadline not expired
  • each amount in _amounts must have getPooledEthByShares(amount) being greater than MIN_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT and lower than MAX_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT


Returns all withdrawal requests that belong to the _owner address.

function getWithdrawalRequests(address _owner) view returns (uint256[] requestsIds)

This operation will copy the entire storage to memory, which can be quite expensive. This method is designed to mostly be used by view accessors that are queried without gas fees. Developers should keep in mind that this function has an unbounded cost, and using it as part of a state-changing function may render the function uncallable if the set grows to a point where copying to memory consumes too much gas to fit in a block.


Returns statuses for requests with ids in _requestIds.

function getWithdrawalStatus(uint256[] _requestIds)
returns (WithdrawalRequestStatus[] statuses)

Returns an array of WithdrawalRequestStatus structures, defined as:

struct WithdrawalRequestStatus {
uint256 amountOfStETH;
uint256 amountOfShares;
address owner;
uint256 timestamp;
bool isFinalized;
bool isClaimed;


  • amountOfStETH — the number of stETH tokens transferred to the contract upon request
  • amountOfShares — the number of underlying shares corresponding to transferred stETH tokens. See Lido rebasing chapter to learn about the shares mechanic
  • owner — the owner's address for this request. The owner is also a holder of the unstETH NFT and can transfer the ownership and claim the underlying ether once finalized
  • timestamp — the creation time of the request
  • isFinalized — finalization status of the request; finalized requests are available to claim
  • isClaimed — the claim status of the request. Once claimed, NFT is burned, and the request is not available to claim again


Returns amounts of ether available for claiming for each provided request id.

function getClaimableEther(uint256[] _requestIds, uint256[] _hints)
returns (uint256[] claimableEthValues)


  • _requestIds — the array of request id to check the claimable ether for
  • _hints — checkpoint hint for each request id. Can be obtained by calling findCheckpointHints()

Returns the array of ether amounts available for claiming for each request id. The amount is equal to 0 if the request is not finalized or already claimed.


Claim a batch of withdrawal requests if they are finalized, sending ether to _recipient address.

function claimWithdrawalsTo(uint256[] _requestIds, uint256[] _hints, address _recipient)


  • _requestIds — the array of request id to check the claimable ether for
  • _hints — checkpoint hint for each request id. Can be obtained by calling findCheckpointHints()
  • _recipient — the address of the recipient for claimed ether

Emits a batch of Transfer to zero address and WithdrawalClaimed events.



  • all _requestIds must exist, be finalized and not claimed
  • all _hints must be valid for respective requests
  • msg.sender must be the owner of all the requests
  • _recipient must not be zero


Claim a batch of withdrawal requests if they are finalized, sending ether to msg.sender address.

function claimWithdrawals(uint256[] _requestIds, uint256[] _hints)


  • _requestIds — the array of request id to check the claimable ether for
  • _hints — checkpoint hint for each request id. Can be obtained by calling findCheckpointHints()

Emits a batch of Transfer to zero address and WithdrawalClaimed events.



  • all _requestIds must exist, be finalized and not claimed
  • all _hints must be valid for respective requests
  • msg.sender must be the owner of all the requests


Claims the _requestId withdrawal request, sending ether to msg.sender address.

function claimWithdrawal(uint256 _requestId)

Emits a Transfer to zero address and WithdrawalClaimed event.



  • msg.sender must be the owner of the _requestId request
  • _requestId request must exist, be finalized and not claimed


Returns an array of hints for the given _requestIds searching among the checkpoints with indices in the range [_firstIndex, _lastIndex].

function findCheckpointHints(uint256[] _requestIds, uint256 _firstIndex, uint256 _lastIndex)
returns (uint256[] hintIds)


  • Array of request ids must be sorted
  • _firstIndex must be greater than 0, because checkpoint list is 1-based array
  • _lastIndex must be less than or equal to getLastCheckpointIndex()


Returns true if bunker mode is active.

function isBunkerModeActive() view returns (bool)


Returns the timestamp of the last bunker mode activation, if it's active now and BUNKER_MODE_DISABLED_TIMESTAMP if bunker mode is disabled (i.e., protocol in turbo mode).

function bunkerModeSinceTimestamp() view returns (uint256)


Returns the id of the last request in the queue.

function getLastRequestId() view returns (uint256)

Requests are indexed from 1, so it returns 0 if there are no requests in the queue.


Returns the id of the last finalized request in the queue.

function getLastFinalizedRequestId() view returns (uint256)

Requests are indexed from 1, so it returns 0 if there are no finalized requests in the queue.


Returns the amount of ether on the balance locked for withdrawal and available to claim.

function getLockedEtherAmount() view returns (uint256)


Returns the length of the checkpoint array. Last possible value for the hint.

function getLastCheckpointIndex() view returns (uint256)

Checkpoints are indexed from 1, so it returns 0 if there are no checkpoints yet.


Returns the number of unfinalized requests in the queue.

function unfinalizedRequestNumber() view returns (uint256)


Returns the amount of stETH in the queue yet to be finalized.

function unfinalizedStETH() view returns (uint256)


View for offchain use by the oracle daemon that calculates how many requests can be finalized within the given budget, time period, and share rate limits. Returned requests are split into batches. All requests belonging to one batch must have their share rate above or below (or equal) to the _maxShareRate. Below you can see an example of how 14 requests with different share rates will be split into five batches by this method:

 ^ share rate
| • •
| • • • • •
|----------------------•------ _maxShareRate
| • • • • •
| •
+-------------------------------> requestId
| 1 | 2 |3| 4 | 5 | batch number
function calculateFinalizationBatches(
uint256 _maxShareRate,
uint256 _maxTimestamp,
uint256 _maxRequestsPerCall,
BatchesCalculationState _state
) external view returns (BatchesCalculationState)


  • _maxShareRate — the max share rate (ETH per share) that will be used for the finalization (1e27 precision)

  • _maxTimestamp — the max timestamp of the request that can be finalized

  • _maxRequestsPerCall — the max request number that can be processed per iteration

  • _state — the current state of the calculation, represented with a BatchesCalculationState structure:

    struct BatchesCalculationState {
    uint256 remainingEthBudget;
    bool finished;
    uint256[MAX_BATCHES_LENGTH] batches;
    uint256 batchesLength;
    • remainingEthBudget — the currently remaining amount of ether. It must be set into the whole budget of the finalization at the first call
    • finished — the flag that is set to true if all requests are iterated on
    • batches — the resulting array of batches, each represented by the id of the last request in the batch
    • batchesLength — the length of the filled part of the batches array

Returns the current state of the finalization batch calculation.


This method is designed for iterative usage under gas limits. So, in the case of the number of withdrawals are too large to iterate over in one call, one can use this method repeatedly, passing the return value as an argument for the next call as long as it returns finished equal to false


Checks finalization batches and calculates the required amount of ether to lock and the number of shares to burn.

Designed to use during the oracle report to find the amount of ether to send along the finalize() call.

function prefinalize(uint256[] _batches, uint256 _maxShareRate)
returns (uint256 ethToLock, uint256 sharesToBurn)


  • _batches — finalization batches calculated off-chain using calculateFinalizationBatches()
  • _maxShareRate — max share rate (ETH per share) for request finalization (1e27 precision)


  • ethToLock — the amount of ether to be sent with finalize() method
  • sharesToBurn — the number of shares to be burnt to match this finalization call

Protected methods


  • FINALIZE_ROLE — role to finalize withdrawal requests in the queue
  • PAUSE_ROLE — role to pause the withdrawal on the protocol
  • RESUME_ROLE — role to resume the withdrawal after being paused
  • ORACLE_ROLE — role to provide required oracle-related data as the last report timestamp and if the protocol is in the bunker mode
  • MANAGE_TOKEN_URI_ROLE — role to set the parameters for constructing the token URI: the base URI or NFTDescriptor address


Finalize requests from the last finalized one up to _lastRequestIdToBeFinalized using _maxShareRate as a base share rate for stETH and passing along some ether as msg.value. The amount of ether to send should be precalculated by the prefinalize() method.

Emits a BatchMetadataUpdate and a WithdrawalsFinalized events.

function finalize(uint256 _lastRequestIdToBeFinalized, uint256 _maxShareRate) payable


  • _lastRequestIdToBeFinalized — the last request id to finalize
  • _maxShareRate — the max share rate (ETH per share) for the request finalization (1e27 precision)


  • withdrawals must not be paused
  • msg.sender must have the FINALIZE_ROLE assigned
  • _lastRequestIdToBeFinalized must be an existing unfinalized request id
  • msg.value must be less or equal to the sum of unfinalized stETH up to _lastRequestIdToBeFinalized


Pause withdrawal requests placement and finalization for particular _duration. Claiming finalized requests will still be available.

Emits a Paused event.

function pauseFor(uint256 _duration) onlyRole(PAUSE_ROLE)


  • _duration — pause duration in seconds (use PAUSE_INFINITELY for unlimited)


  • msg.sender must have a PAUSE_ROLE assigned
  • _duration must not be zero
  • the contract must not be already paused


Pause withdrawal requests placement and finalization until _pauseUntilInclusive timestamp. Claiming finalized requests will still be available.

Emits a Paused event.

function pauseUntil(uint256 _pauseUntilInclusive) onlyRole(PAUSE_ROLE)


  • _pauseUntilInclusive — the block.timestamp to pause until (inclusive)


  • msg.sender must have a PAUSE_ROLE assigned
  • _pauseUntilInclusive must not be in the past
  • the contract must not be already paused


Resumes withdrawal requests placement and finalization. The contract is deployed in a paused state and should be resumed explicitly.

Emits a Resumed event.

function resume()


  • msg.sender must have a RESUME_ROLE assigned
  • the contract must not be already resumed


Updates bunker mode state and last report timestamp.

Emits a BunkerModeEnabled or a BunkerModeDisabled event.

function onOracleReport(
bool _isBunkerModeNow,
uint256 _bunkerStartTimestamp,
uint256 _currentReportTimestamp


  • _isBunkerModeNow — is bunker mode reported by the oracle
  • _bunkerStartTimestamp — timestamp of the bunker mode activation
  • _currentReportTimestamp — timestamp of the current report ref slot


  • msg.sender must have an ORACLE_ROLE assigned
  • all timestamps must be in the past


Sets the Base URI for computing token URI.

If the NFTDescriptor address isn't set, the baseURI would be used for generating the ERC-721 token URI. Otherwise, the NFTDescriptor address would be used as a first-priority method.

Emits a BaseURISet event

function setBaseURI(string _baseURI) external onlyRole(MANAGE_TOKEN_URI_ROLE)


  • _baseURI — the base URI to derive the token URI from. Should not end on /

Reverts if msg.sender has no MANAGE_TOKEN_URI_ROLE assigned.


Sets the address of the NFTDescriptor contract responsible for token URI generation.

If the NFTDescriptor address isn't set, the baseURI would be used for generating the ERC-721 token URI. Otherwise, the NFTDescriptor address would be used as a first-priority method.

Emits a NftDescriptorAddressSet event.

function setNFTDescriptorAddress(address _nftDescriptorAddress) onlyRole(MANAGE_TOKEN_URI_ROLE)


  • _nftDescriptorAddress — is the address of NFTDescriptor contract, which must support the INFTDescriptor interface:
interface INFTDescriptor {
function constructTokenURI(uint256 _requestId) external view returns (string memory)

Reverts if msg.sender has no MANAGE_TOKEN_URI_ROLE assigned.