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The contract provides a way for Lido protocol to burn stETH token shares as a means to finalize withdrawals, penalize untimely exiting node operators, and, possibly, cover losses in staking.

It relies on the rebasing nature of stETH. The Lido contract calculates user balance using the following equation: balanceOf(account) = shares[account] * totalPooledEther / totalShares. Therefore, burning shares (e.g. decreasing the totalShares amount) increases stETH holders' balances.

It's presumed that actual shares burning happens inside the Lido contract as a part of the AccountingOracle report. Burner provides a safe and deterministic way to incur a positive stETH token rebase by gradually decreasing totalShares that can be correctly handled by 3rd party protocols integrated with stETH.

Burner accepts burning requests in the following two ways:

  • Locking someone's pre-approved stETH by the caller with the assigned REQUEST_BURN_SHARES_ROLE;
  • Locking caller-provided stETH with the REQUEST_BURN_MY_STETH_ROLE assigned role.

Those burn requests are initially set by the contract to a pending state. Actual burning happens as part of an oracle (AccountingOracle) report handling by Lido to prevent additional fluctuations of the existing stETH token rebase period (~24h).

We also distinguish two types of shares burn requests:

  • request to cover a slashing event (e.g. decreasing of the total pooled ETH amount between the two consecutive oracle reports);
  • request to burn shares for any other cases (non-cover).

The contract has two separate counters for the burnt shares: cover and non-cover ones. The contract is exclusively responsible for the stETH shares burning by Lido and burning allowed only from the contract's own balance only.

Shares burnt counters

The contract keeps count of all shares ever burned by way of maintaining two internal counters: totalCoverSharesBurnt and totalNonCoverSharesBurnt for cover and non-cover burns, respectively. These counters are increased when actual stETH burn is performed as part of the Lido Oracle report.

This makes it possible to split any stETH rebase into two sub-components: the rewards-induced rebase and cover application-induced rebase, which can be done as follows:

  1. Before the rebase, store the previous values of both counters, as well as the value of stETH share price:

    prevCoverSharesBurnt = Burner.totalCoverSharesBurnt()
    prevSharePrice = stETH.totalSupply() / stETH.getTotalShares()
  2. After the rebase, perform the following calculations:

    sharesBurntFromOldToNew = Burner.totalCoverSharesBurnt() - prevCoverSharesBurnt;
    newSharePriceAfterCov = stETH.totalSupply() / (stETH.getTotalShares() + sharesBurntFromOldToNew);
    newSharePrice = stETH.totalSupply() / stETH.getTotalShares();

    // rewards-induced share price increase
    rewardPerShare = newSharePriceAfterCov - prevSharePrice;

    // cover-induced share price increase
    nonRewardSharePriceIncrease = newSharePrice - prevSharePrice - rewardPerShare;

View methods


Returns the total cover shares ever burnt.

function getCoverSharesBurnt() external view returns (uint256)


Returns the total non-cover shares ever burnt.

function getNonCoverSharesBurnt() external view returns (uint256)


Returns the stETH amount belonging to the burner contract address but not marked for burning.

function getExcessStETH() external view returns (uint256)


Returns numbers of cover and non-cover shares requested to burn.

function getSharesRequestedToBurn() external view returns (uint256 coverShares, uint256 nonCoverShares)



Transfers stETH tokens from the message sender and irreversibly locks these on the burner contract address. Internally converts tokens amount into underlying shares amount and marks the converted shares amount for cover-backed burning by increasing the internal coverSharesBurnRequested counter.

function requestBurnMyStETHForCover(uint256 _stETHAmountToBurn) external

Reverts if any of the following is true:

  • msg.sender is not a holder of the REQUEST_BURN_MY_STETH_ROLE role;
  • no stETH provided (_stETHAmountToBurn == 0);
  • no stETH transferred (allowance exceeded).


_stETHAmountToBurnuint256stETH tokens amount (not shares amount) to burn


Transfers stETH shares from _from and irreversibly locks these on the burner contract address. Internally marks the shares amount for cover-backed burning by increasing the internal coverSharesBurnRequested counter.

Can be called only by a holder of REQUEST_BURN_SHARES_ROLE. After Lido V2 upgrade not actually called by any contract and supposed to be called by Lido DAO Agent in case of a need for cover.

function requestBurnSharesForCover(address _from, uint256 _sharesAmountToBurn)

Reverts if any of the following is true:

  • msg.sender is not a holder of the REQUEST_BURN_SHARES_ROLE role;
  • no stETH shares provided (_sharesAmountToBurn == 0);
  • no stETH shares transferred (allowance exceeded).


_fromaddressaddress to transfer shares from
_sharesAmountToBurnuint256shares amount (not stETH tokens amount) to burn


Transfers stETH tokens from the message sender and irreversibly locks these on the burner contract address. Internally converts tokens amount into underlying shares amount and marks the converted amount for non-cover backed burning by increasing the internal nonCoverSharesBurnRequested counter.

function requestBurnMyStETH(uint256 _stETHAmountToBurn) external

Reverts if any of the following is true:

  • msg.sender is not a holder of the REQUEST_BURN_MY_STETH_ROLE role;
  • no stETH provided (_stETHAmountToBurn == 0);
  • no stETH transferred (allowance exceeded).


_stETHAmountToBurnuint256stETH tokens amount (not shares amount) to burn


Transfers stETH shares from _from and irreversibly locks these on the burner contract address. Internally marks the shares amount for non-cover backed burning by increasing the internal nonCoverSharesBurnRequested counter.

Can be called only by a holder of the REQUEST_BURN_SHARES_ROLE role which after Lido V2 upgrade is either Lido or NodeOperatorsRegistry. Lido needs this to request shares locked on the WithdrawalQueueERC721 and NodeOperatorsRegistry needs it to request burning shares to penalize the rewards of misbehaving node operators.

function requestBurnShares(address _from, uint256 _sharesAmountToBurn)

Reverts if any of the following is true:

  • msg.sender is not a holder of REQUEST_BURN_SHARES_ROLE role;
  • no stETH shares provided (_sharesAmountToBurn == 0);
  • no stETH shares transferred (allowance exceeded).


_fromaddressaddress to transfer shares from
_sharesAmountToBurnuint256shares amount (not stETH tokens amount) to burn


Transfers the excess stETH amount (e.g. belonging to the burner contract address but not marked for burning) to the Lido treasury address (the DAO Agent contract) set upon the contract construction.

Does nothing if the getExcessStETH view func returns 0 (zero), i.e. there is no excess stETH on the contract's balance.

function recoverExcessStETH() external


Transfers a given amount of an ERC20-token (defined by the provided contract address) belonging to the burner contract address to the Lido treasury (the DAO Agent contract) address.

function recoverERC20(address _token, uint256 _amount) external

Reverts if any of the following is true:

  • _amount value is 0 (zero);
  • _token address is 0 (zero);
  • _token address equals to the stETH address (use recoverExcessStETH instead).


_tokenaddressERC20-compatible token address to recover
_amountuint256Amount to recover


Transfers a given ERC721-compatible NFT (defined by the contract address) belonging to the burner contract address to the Lido treasury (the DAO Agent) address.

function recoverERC721(address _token, uint256 _tokenId) external

Reverts if any of the following is true:

  • _token address is 0 (zero);
  • _token address equals to the stETH address (use recoverExcessStETH instead).


_tokenaddressERC721-compatible token address to recover
_tokenIduint256Token id to recover


Marks previously requested to burn cover and non-cover share as burnt. Emits StETHBurnt event for the cover and non-cover shares marked as burnt.

This function is called by the Lido contract together with (i.e., the same tx) performing the actual shares burning.

If _sharesToBurn is 0 does nothing.

function commitSharesToBurn(uint256 _sharesToBurn) external

Reverts if any of the following is true:

  • msg.sender address is NOT equal to the stETH address;
  • _sharesToBurn is greater than the cover plus non-cover shares requested to burn.


_sharesToBurnuint256Amount of cover plus non-cover shares to mark as burnt