Join CSM
Node Operator creation
To become a Node Operator in CSM or register new validators for an existing Node Operator, at least one validator pubkey
, corresponding deposit signature
, and the corresponding bond amount should be provided.
Deposit data preparation and upload
CSM accepts deposit data in the same format (validator pubkey
+ deposit signature
) as the Curated module, with the main difference being a requirement to submit the bond prior to or alongside deposit data upload.
deposit signature
must sign the root of the (deposit_message, domain)
. Where a domain
is used to identify the chain, and deposit_message
has the form of the following tuple:
validator pubkey
with actualLido Withdrawal Vault contract
address. Should be retrieved from Staking Router;32 ETH amount
Here and after, the term 'bond' has the following meaning:
Bond - a security collateral that Node Operators must submit before uploading validator keys into CSM. This collateral covers possible losses caused by inappropriate actions on the Node Operator's side. Once the validator exits from the Beacon chain and all losses that occurred are covered, the collateral can be claimed or reused to upload new validator keys.
A bond is a property of a Node Operator, not a validator. Bond is stored in the form of stETH. Node Operators can submit bond tokens in ETH, stETH, and wstETH. Provided ETH is staked, and wstETH is unwrapped during submission to ensure stETH is the only form of a bond.
The total amount of the bond required depends on the total number of Node Operator's validators and has the form of a curve (see getBondAmountByKeysCount
The graph above can be redrawn for the reader's convenience concerning the validator number, not total validators.
There might be several bond curves (getBondAmountByKeysCount
function implementations). A default curve is assigned to all Node Operators upon creation. A custom curve can be set for the Node Operator later.
Existing Node Operators can top-up bond without uploading deposit data to compensate for the penalties or to have bond tokens uploaded upfront.
Unbonded validators
The term "unbonded" is introduced to refer to the validators for which the bond does not fully cover this validator. Taking into account the approach when the bond is common for all Node Operator's validators, unbonded validators can be determined in a way illustrated below. In the example, validator N+1 is unbonded.
Any unbonded validators are requested to exit. Unbonded but not deposited keys are excluded from the stake allocation queue.
Possible negative stETH rebase consequences
With the bond being stored in stETH, there is a risk of a reduction in the bond amount due to a negative stETH rebase. This might result in some Node Operators being unable to claim rewards (due to the actual bond being lower than required) or even validators becoming unbonded. This problem is described in detail in Bond Mechanics in Lido ADR. For this document, it is worth mentioning that no additional actions are required for CSM due to the low probability of the negative stETH rebase and a dedicated insurance fund at the Lido DAO's disposal for possible use as cover.
Deposit data validation and invalidation (aka vetting and unvetting)
Given the upcoming DSM upgrade, CSM will utilize an optimistic vetting approach. Uploaded deposit data will be treated as valid unless DSM reports it is not. In case of invalid deposit data detection, DSM calls decreaseVettedSigningKeysCount
to set vettedKeys
pointer to the deposit data prior to the first invalid deposit data. In this case a Node Operator should remove invalid keys to resume stake allocation to the valid non-deposited keys.
Depositable keys
Several factors determine if the deposit can be made using corresponding deposit data. This information is reflected in the Node Operator's depositableKeys
property. This property indicates the number of deposit data records extracted sequentially starting from the last deposited record available in the Node Operator's key storage for deposits by the staking router. This number is determined as follows:
- If
is not set =>depositableKeys = min(vettedKeys - depositedKeys, max(addedKeys - depositedKeys - unbondedKeys, 0))
- If
is set =>depositableKeys = min(vettedKeys - depositedKeys, max(addedKeys - depositedKeys - unbondedKeys, 0), max(targetLimit - (depositedKeys - withdrawnKeys), 0))
- If Node Operator has
stuckKeys != 0
no matter thetargetLimit
=>depositableKeys = 0
Stake allocation queue
The stake allocation queue in CSM is a traditional FIFO (first in, first out) queue. Node Operators occupy places in the queue with the {noId, keysCount}
batches and wait for their turn.
Once the queue reaches the Node Operator's batch, CSM checks how many keys from the batch can be deposited using the formula: min(depositableKeys, keysInBatch)
A simple analogy can be used to understand the CSM queue concept better. Imagine that there is a roller coaster with numbered tickets. Node Operators buy a bunch of tickets with the sequential numbers once they upload keys. When it is time for the next group to jump onto the roller coaster, the eligible ticket numbers are announced. Suppose Node Operators can not arrive on time (since they currently have no depositable keys) with the corresponding tickets. In that case, their tickets are invalidated, and the other Node Operators will be requested to join the roller coaster ride with the following tickets. All invalidated tickets should be repurchased once the keys are depositable.
Queue normalization
There might be a case when a Node Operator has keys that are not in the queue since they were skipped during the queue iteration as they were not depositable at the moment of iteration. The normalizeQueue
method allows Node Operators to place all depositable keys back into the queue.
There are several pointers regarding deposit data storage in CSM. Among the others, there are totalAddedKeys
and totalVettedKeys
pointers. With the optimistic vetting approach, these two pointers should be in sync most of the time (totalAddedKeys == totalVettedKeys
), given that there are no reports about the presence of invalid deposit data. Hence, there are two ways for the deposit data to be placed into the queue:
- Once the deposit data is uploaded, if
totalAddedKeys == totalVettedKeys
; - After the call of the
method, in case some keys were not placed into the queue upon upload (totalAddedKeys != totalVettedKeys
at the moment of upload) or were skipped during the queue iterations;
There is a method to check the next X
elements and remove those containing no depositable keys. This methods is required to ensure queue operation even in catastrophic scenarios resulting in significant queue "pollution" with the non-depositable keys.
A detailed description of the queue is provided in a separate document.
Deposit data deletion
The Node Operator might delete uploaded deposit data voluntarily if it has not been deposited yet. The keyRemovalCharge
is confiscated from the Node Operator's bond on each deleted key to cover maximal possible operational costs associated with the queue processing. Deposit data can be deleted in continuous batches (ex., from index 5 to 10).
If the protocol has already deposited the validator related to the deposit data, the Node Operator cannot delete the deposit data. The only way to stop validation duties is to exit the validator on the CL. Once the validator is fully withdrawn, the Node Operator can claim the excess bond.
Early Adoption period
One of the challenges with permissionless entry for the Node Operators with appealing conditions is the possibility of a huge actor occupying all seats in the staking module. To overcome this, an Early Adoption period is proposed as the first stage of the CSM mainnet lifecycle. A Merkle proof used as an entry ticket to the CSM on the mainnet is required to join during the Early Adoption period. On top of the ability to join, such node operators will be eligible for the "bond discount for the first validator". This will ensure that during the Early Adoption period, proven solo-stakers will be able to join with a small benefit. Also, there is a limit on the totalAddedKeys
during the Early Adoption period that prevents Early adoption members from uploading huge amounts of the keys to allow the majority of the Early Adoption participants to join the module during the Early Adoption period. This limit is removed once the module is in permissionless mode.
Please refer to the detailed doc to learn more about the mechanics of the Early Adoption period.