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Permissions in CSM

CSM contracts are designed to ensure appropriate permissions for validator operation, bond and key management, and module management.

Node Operator permissions

CSM Node Operators have the following permissions and controls:

  • Node Operator is the ultimate owner of the validators' private keys;
  • Node Operator can join CSM during Early Adoption period if their address is in the Early Adoption list;
  • Node Operator can join CSM permissionlessly once the Early Adoption period is over;
  • Node Operator can upload up to 12 validator public keys during the Early Adoption period;
  • Node Operator can upload any amount of validator public keys once the Early Adoption period is over;
  • Node Operator can delete uploaded validator public keys that are not deposited by the Lido on Ethereum protocol yet. A service keyDeletionFee is taken for each deleted key to cover associated maintenance costs incurred by the protocol;
  • Node Operator can claim excess bond tokens and rewards at any moment;
  • Node Operator can upload additional bond tokens at any moment without uploading new validator public keys;
  • Node Operator can exit validators from the Consensus Layer at any moment and claim back bond tokens once validator withdrawal is reported to the module using a permissionless method;
  • Node Operator can change managerAddress and rewardAddress at any time;
  • Node Operator can compensate for the reported EL rewards stealing penalty to avoid benefits reset and validator exit requests for the unbonded validators;

Lido DAO permissions

Lido DAO has the following permissions and controls via on-chain Aragon voting:

  • Lido DAO can update the module contracts code;
  • Lido DAO can pause and unpause module contracts, effectively stopping or resuming the creation of the new Node Operator, the uploading of the new validator public keys, the claim of the rewards, and excess bond tokens;
  • Lido DAO can penalize Node Operator's bond tokens in case of protocol rules violations;
  • Lido DAO can add and modify bond curves;
  • Lido DAO can set configurable parameters of the module contracts:
    • keyRemovalCharge;
    • chargePenaltyRecipient;
    • bondLockRetentionPeriod;
    • Oracle contract parameters:
      • avgPerfLeewayBP;
      • consensusVersion;
      • consensusContract;
      • consensusMembers;
      • consensusQuorum;
  • Lido DAO can change role members for the module contracts;
  • Lido DAO can end the Early Adoption period;

CSM Committee permissions

CSM Committee has the following permissions and controls:

  • Report facts of MEV and EL rewards stealing committed by CSM Node Operators;
  • Cancel MEV stealing penalty if needed;
  • Starting EasyTracks to settle MEV stealing penalty;
  • Switching the bond curve for the particular Node Operator or resetting it to the default one;
  • Pausing CSM in case of emergency via GateSeal;