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5.1 Community Lifeguards Multisig

Address: 0x6faCCcE132d5C397068807Ca73883d3df198dFF4

Purpose of the multisig: the multisig is intended to receive and distribute grants from the LEGO Committee multisig for the Lido Community Lifeguards Initiative operations.

Quorum: 3/5

Forum topic: [EGG] Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Sub-Committee; Lido Community Lifeguards Initiative (pilot)

Snapshot: [EGG] Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Sub-Committee; Lido Community Lifeguards Initiative (pilot)

List of signers:

NameAddressVerificationPublic verification
enti (CLI lead)0xfcfbafa0d5f5512C65DbB4C073fE4Ee6Dc3c4779 forum message
Alex_L0x3786C091Ed68d5B58EFAE5193e54c043Bde3b8f6 forum message
Izzy0x783EA934d543CD1ccfd920639A7539a0BD3895e2 forum message
dgusakov0x992ce4eec8288274f60880c7770dda265fcce610 forum message
Aleksandra_G0x9795d01Aa9F4F80E95828049921B179fBA2Fe6b5 forum message